The sessions

the Gift
Ken Chi has an ancient indescribable Spiritual Energy Attunement Gift
that allows him to precisely attune
for each person energetically precisely
whatever their Soul needs in this moment to the Divine / Source
at this time in their lives.
From 1999- 2003, Ken began to have a series of powerful Kundalini, energetic initiations and Lighbody activations that prepared and allowed him to work with his Gift of attunement in Australia at that time. This Attunement serves to align and activate the 'Lightbody' and the Soul to Higher & Universal Consciousness,
awakening the kundalini, deep healing, remembrance, reconnections, transformation,
and more importantly, the opening of the Heart to Source.
Working with Sounds in the form of toning
and his blessed Whale Rav Pan Drum (NEW! Click here for the story!)
often with the Hathors, Dolphins and his past Tibetan Consciousness and connections,
his own energy field and Lightbody via his access to Higher Consciousness,
he aligns himself energetically to a very precise energy that attunes for each person's many levels of the energies bodies/chakras, personality/mind with the Soul towards a higher harmony, affecting all levels of the Being where the
mind, body, heart and Spirit are attuned with the
Higher Self Consciousness
that has a natural connection to Unity and Divinity.
There is often a deep energetic alignment and/or clearing, releasing whatever that no longer is needed held in their bodies/energies that happens on many levels that the soul recognises, and many people have also receive or have their own Spiritual Gifts reactivated or remembered during these sessions, especially those who are healers in their nature or working in the humanity service fields. Their own Spiritual Lineage from their soul journey is restored and integrated from the past lives as well as connecting to new spiritual domains that allow them to expand based on their nature and essence.
"There is no name for what you receive,
each session is energetically unique and different,
and what you receive even goes beyond what is or isn't experienced
but known beyond words in your truth"
- Ken -
These sessions serve as a catalyst for healing, reconnections, re-initiations, transformation, activations, expansion and preparation of the consciousness to the higher consciousness that humanity is working towards collectively, as well as harmonising to the Universal Consciousness that many spiritual traditions speak of. For many the experience is profound, life changing and healing. Sometimes it is also a clearing to reveal what has always been there but buried deep inside. For the people that in their own family lineages or past lives that were held by old-controlling energies, the sessions also serve to release these control forces as part of the societal and conditionings that aren't true to the original Divine Template. It is also not unusual that life events seem to mysteriously re-arrange either before or after these sessions as part of the alignment.
Most importantly, these sessions begin and support an energetic process that serve to realign and activate your own direct energetic connection to Source and the Universal Harmony that is beyond religions, this happens as Ken's Soul/Being works to activates people's kundalini that allows their own energetic return towards their Higher Self which is an energetic process, many people reportedly feel a deeply profound spiritual experiences that allows them to feel a deeper connection to themselves and the greater reality and peace. Since humanity and Earth are evolving into much higher energetic vibration, our Consciousness have been programmed to awaken and remember the Truth that is Universal Connections through the Heart.
Light Language activation
In the beginning of Ken's awakening process that happened over the years since 2003, as one of the activated soul gifts aside from his energy work, he was gifted and activated with the ability to speak, write, hear and activate in others the "LIGHT LANGUAGE" that the soul speaks ... in some older traditions it was considered the gift of the Holy Spirit of the 'Tongues' which was connected mostly to Jesus (but it is really a universal language on the soul dimension), over the years, Ken 'remembered' and continue to expand the many different light language that includes the Angelic and other 'Star languages' in his work. These languages are actually 'functional energetic forms' or like 'codes' that affect changes in the energy bodies and consciousness, sometimes they are healing and sometimes they are keys that unlock and activate 'new templates' of energies for the soul to experience and work with that are equivalent to like an 'upgrade' to the operating system of a computer. Ken also sometimes incorporates Light Language in his artwork as an extra dimension beyond the aesthetic body of the art.
Remembrance of the Gift & Travels
Ken's 'Gift' was 'reactivated' in 2003 when he met a world-renowned spiritual Healer from Iran (Abdy Electriceteh) whilst living in Australia that became a life changing event for his life. Remembering that for many live times he had worked with this Gift and his Soul Group that he is working with again in this lifetime, he travelled for many years to deepen & share his energetic gift around the world
working with many people especially in sacred sites such as
Israel, Eygpt, Bali, Peru, Colombia, Australia, Japan, and the U.S.
Stephanie Gaerlan
Chemist - New York
"I met Ken in March of 2014.
I was struggling with plenty of
anger towards different facets of my life, and a couple of weeks before I really tried to release the emotion through physical
and religious means but none could
allow me to let it go and really
breathe. Little did I know, my life
had all been leading up to
meeting Ken and opening up a whole
different set of realities possible.
A shift happened. When I met Ken
the Divine/ light energy that was
channeled through him to me was
so strong unlike anything I could have ever imagined since literally shook me for 2
hours. When I opened my eyes, I forgot
anger, sadness, and hate, and only love
It was a release that I did not know was
possible. The following months after and
event to today have
triggered events in my life that only my
soul could have known. Ken is just light.
Conveyor of truth.
Example of love. For his purpose on this
planet, I am grateful.
Thank you! Sending love!
Judy K.
Primary School Teacher/ Artist -
New York
Many of us are searching for truth,
for that elusive thing that calls to our hearts and keeps us prowling the internet, going to meetings, or contacting the next person who advertises and who professes to have that special nugget of mystic magic that will feed our hunger. I have been on that path and a few years ago was introduced to Ken and attended a session that he was offering.
My experience was deep and profound.
As Ken brought the energies through,
I fell into a deep state of consciousness.
I could feel my heart chakra burning as it opened and was being worked on. Energy flowed through my body and worked through me, creating a sensation of floating and dimensional expansion.
Describing this or any of the further sessions I have attended is difficult to find words for what has no true labels. Ken seems to bring Truth into the small self and somehow the small self is connected to, opens up to, that magnificent greater Self that we really are. And during the process, his gentle and unassuming way guides and works to bring the particular energies called for, to those places that need them. No two sessions have been alike, but all have brought me energetic expansion and growth, and helped to open myself up to my own gifts, a greater awareness and connection to the Heart and the Truth that is Self and God.
Susan Cooper
Lawyer - New York
Ken Chi truly lives up to his name (Chi – life force). To me, he feels like a very wise ancient master, who has remembered how to channel powerful energies that then move through us to realign each of us with our own true nature. After the last session I attended, everyone seemed unwilling to stand up and disturb the beautiful field of energy in the room – that is, until we finally did and recognized that it was inside of us to take home. Weeks later, I'm still smiling inside from the session. I am so grateful to know Ken and to witness him step into his mastery. Do go to a session and experience it for yourself. It may be life changing.
Lara Cathcart
"Thank you Ken, life changing session indeed! After 10 years of tremendous physical and emotional pain, social isolation this session moved me in a way that I was able to connect to a very deep appreciation for my NOW life, its core richness, Gods grace to carry me hear while the spark was so dim, and the true power of LOVE, love of self and other!!!! It truly trumps all things unimaginable. Big Love filled hug to you, and blessings to all! "
Todd Paterson -
"Hello Ken...its been a few days since the Shakti Energy transmission, and though normally I would respond earlier, I felt like I needed to take a little time to allow the energy to integrate, and then give more feedback...my experience on Thursday was very intense, and one that brought brand new experiences to this life for me...I felt a strong Egyptian connection to the Goddess, and found myself making gestures with my hands that resembled that!! I felt a lot of activation for the first time in my spine which you had alluded to might happen...as well I felt a connection with other beings, that I can't quite explain, but know that they were with me and making it abundantly clear to me! I awoke the next morning having dreamt vividly, but not remembering my dreams! As well, I felt the best I've felt after a nights sleep in a very long time...bursting with energy...and then later on that day I did something I rarely ever do...I was guided to take a nap and slept for almost two hours, which is crazy to me! IAM left with the feeling and understanding that Thursdays date will be one for me to remember, as a pivotal turning point in my evolution here in this lifetime, with more juiciness to continue to follow...Namaste Brother"
Caroline Godmer
Makeup Artist/healer - Quebec
I would like to share my experience for the sessions that I have been doing now with Ken for about 1 year now. It is really working on myself, physically my eyes are becoming more blue, I can feel myself more aligned, having deeper consciousness and more in my path. In all the sessions I can feel the energy working in my body and lightbody too. I can feel my pineal gland becoming more activated, it's helping me to stay connected to the energy shift with earth. I never want to miss one because i know that it's helping so much. Ken is like a real master in energy i would recommend it to everyone! He is always in the heart and taking care of everyone to make sure we are all good. When you try once you can see already a difference.
Mary Finnerty
Spiritual Coach -
New York
“Receiving an Energetic Transmission of Light from Ken Chi
was an amazing experience of energy searing through my body, aligning and clearing what no longer serves, right here in this present moment... I look forward to attending every session he offers.. Come back to NYC soon Ken!”

Since 2003 Ken has dedicated himself to serving his Gift in many countries with different people along side his other passions in his Fine Art and Photography works (www.iamkenchi.com)
Originally graduated and worked as an Industrial designer, his life took on a new direction as his own Spiritual Kundalini Awakening process that began in year 1999 with a series of profound spiritual experiences, initiations, which prepared him in 2003 to reunite with his own Soul Group to resume his 'work'.
He reoriented and dedicated his life towards healing arts, first studying Reiki and many healing modalities such as sound healing as well as rediscovering his own natural abilities to work and communicate with natural crystals, becoming a "Transpersonal" Counseller in Melbourne, and spending 4 years in his life working deeply in his own psycho-emotional spiritual development in energy healing context in a healing school, Ken has over the years been deeply immersed and worked with many people (including healers themsevles) in many countries as well as his soul work in many Sacred Sites such as Israel, Egypt, Peru, Colombia (Sierra Nevada with the Indigenous), Bali, Japan, Australia, Cambodia and the United States.
In 2014 he returned from his long 19 years journey having lived in Australia, South America - Colombia and the U.S.A. to his birthplace Hong Kong working also as an artist and photographer.